Group 6 - Arts


The DP film course aims to develop students as proficient interpreters and makers of film texts. Through the study and analysis of film texts, and practical exercises in film production, students develop critical abilities and appreciation of artistic, cultural, historical and global perspectives in film. They examine concepts, theories, practices and ideas from multiple perspectives, challenging their own views to understand and value those of others. Students are challenged to acquire and develop critical thinking, reflective analysis and the imaginative synthesis through practical engagement in the art, craft and study of film. Students experiment with film and multimedia technology, acquiring the skills and creative competencies required to successfully communicate through the language of the medium. They develop an artistic voice and learn how to express personal perspectives through film. The course emphasizes the importance of working collaboratively, international and intercultural dynamics, and an appreciation of the development of film across time and culture. The film syllabus allows for greater breadth and depth in teaching and learning at HL through an additional assessment task, requiring HL students to reflect on the core syllabus areas to formulate their own intentions for a completed film. They work collaboratively as a core production team in order to effectively communicate on screen.

Film HL & SL


The IB Diploma Programme music course seeks to develop students’ knowledge and potential as musicians, both personally and collaboratively. IB Diploma Programme music students are required to study musical perception and actively listen to a wide range of music from different parts of the world, musical cultures and time periods. They also develop aural perception and understanding of music by learning about musical elements, including form and structure, notations, musical terminology and context. Through the course of study, students become aware of how musicians work and communicate.

Music SLMusic HL

Theatre Arts

Theatre is a practical subject that encourages discovery through experimentation, risk-taking and the presentation of ideas. The IB DP theatre course is multifaceted and gives students the opportunity to actively engage in theatre as creators, designers, directors and performers. It emphasizes working both individually and collaboratively as part of an ensemble. The teacher’s role is to create opportunities that allow students to explore, learn, discover and collaborate to become autonomous, informed and skilled theatre-makers. Students learn to apply research and theory to inform and to contextualize their work. Through researching, creating, preparing, presenting and critically reflecting on theatre, they gain a richer understanding of themselves, their community and the world. Students experience the course from contrasting artistic and cultural perspectives. They learn about theatre from around the world, the importance of making theatre with integrity, and the impact that theatre can have on the world. It enables them to discover and engage with different forms of theatre across time, place and culture, promoting international-mindedness and an appreciation of the diversity of theatre.

Theatre Arts SLTheatre Arts HL

Visual Arts

The IB Diploma Programme visual arts course encourages students to challenge their own creative and cultural expectations and boundaries. It is a thought-provoking course in which students develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent thinking, while working towards technical proficiency and confidence as art-makers. In addition to exploring and comparing visual arts from different perspectives and in different contexts, students are expected to engage in, experiment with and critically reflect upon a wide range of contemporary practices and media. The course is designed for students who want to go on to study visual arts in higher education as well as for those who are seeking lifelong enrichment through visual arts. The role of visual arts teachers should be to actively and carefully organize learning experiences for the students, directing their study to enable them to reach their potential and satisfy the demands of the course. Students should be empowered to become autonomous, informed and skilled visual artists.

Visual Arts SLVisual Arts HL

Tronc Commun


Le cours de cinéma du Programme du diplôme vise à former des élèves compétents en matière d’interprétation et de réalisation de textes filmiques. À travers, d’une part, l’étude et l’analyse de textes filmiques et, d’autre part, des exercices pratiques de réalisation cinématographique, les élèves développent leur esprit critique et leur compréhension des perspectives artistiques, culturelles, historiques et mondiales dont témoigne le cinéma. Ils examinent des concepts, des théories, des pratiques et des idées selon plusieurs perspectives, remettant en question leurs propres points de vue afin de comprendre les points de vue d’autrui et d’en reconnaître la valeur. Les élèves sont ainsi incités à acquérir et à développer leur réflexion critique, leur analyse autocritique et leur synthèse imaginative à travers une expérience pratique de l’art, de la création et de l’étude cinématographiques. Les élèves expérimentent les technologies cinématographiques et multimédia, ce qui leur permet d’acquérir les compétences et aptitudes créatives nécessaires pour communiquer efficacement à l’aide du langage correspondant au support utilisé. Ils développent leur vision artistique et apprennent à exprimer leur point de vue personnel à travers le cinéma. Le cours met l’accent sur l’importance du travail en collaboration, sur la dynamique internationale et interculturelle ainsi que sur la compréhension du développement du cinéma à travers le temps et les cultures. Le programme de cinéma permet un enseignement et un apprentissage plus étendus et approfondis au  NS grâce à une tâche d’évaluation supplémentaire, qui demande aux élèves du NS de réfléchir sur les diverses parties du tronc commun afin de formuler leurs intentions personnelles dans le cadre d’un projet cinématographique achevé. Les élèves collaborent au sein d’une équipe centrale de production pour communiquer efficacement à l’écran.

Cinema NM & NS


Le cours de musique du Programme du diplôme de l’IB vise à permettre aux élèves de développer leurs connaissances et leurs capacités dans le domaine de la musique, que ce soit individuellement ou en groupe. Les élèves du Programme du diplôme de l’IB doivent étudier la perception musicale et écouter et analyser une variété de musiques de contextes historiques, géographiques et culturels variés. Ils développent également une faculté d’écoute et de compréhension de la musique en acquérant des connaissances sur les éléments musicaux, notamment la forme et la structure, les procédés de notation, la terminologie musicale et le contexte. Tout au long de ce cours, les élèves apprennent de quelle manière travaillent et communiquent les musiciens.

Musique NM & Musique NS

Updated September 24, 2020