Nova Scotia Curriculum English Programs, French Second Language, French First Language Nova Scotia’s curriculum is being renewed and modernized to ensure our students have the skills and competencies to be successful in a rapidly changing world. Designing renewed curricula with the Essential Graduation Competencies ensures that we are preparing our students for the future with curriculum that is inclusive, student-centred, and flexible while maintaining a focus on literacy and numeracy. For more information on the renewed curricula, please see this short video. Heritage Day Honouree: Nora Madeline Bernard Madeline Nora Bernard (1935–2007) was a Mi’kmaq leader and advocate from Mi’kma’ki whose unwavering dedication to truth and justice changed the course of history. A survivor of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School, she became a powerful voice for residential school survivors, leading efforts that resulted in the largest class-action lawsuit in Canadian history. Nora put many miles on her well-worn moccasins, walking the path of justice for her people. Fierce in her advocacy and gentle in her leadership, she devoted her life to helping others, offering support to anyone in need. She will always be remembered as a trailblazer, a protector of her people, and for her name, Eastern Thunder, whose spirit continues to inspire generations. Here are just some of the learning resources available to students in the province: Information Booklet Social Studies 8 Support Document African Heritage Month 2025: This year’s theme, Legacy in Action: Celebrating Black Brilliance, highlights the achievements and resilience of African Nova Scotians, who have shaped the province's history for more than 400 years. These resources celebrate the brilliance of African Nova Scotians and people of African descent across Nova Scotia and Canada. Here are just some of the learning resources available to students in the province: Social Studies 7: Learning Resource Social Studies 8: Learning Resource Canadian Contemporary Studies 11: Learning Resource African Nova Scotian Biographical Profiles Celebrating African Nova Scotian Authors Celebrate African Heritage Month 2025 Poster Renewed curriculum provides greater flexibility for teachers, while allowing space to support learner engagement and well-being as students develop their skills and explore their passions and interests. Updated P-2 Language Arts Curriculum and Resources The Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is committed to ensuring high-quality, responsive, inclusive, and equitable education to support the well-being and achievement of every student. The Public School Program site provides direct links to policies, programs, and supporting documents that outline the province’s commitment to supporting student-centred learning environments that ensure the next generation of young Nova Scotians are equipped with the essential skills and competences required to meet the ever-changing demands of our global society. Parent/Family Information For more information on resources available Teacher Information For more information on resources available to teachers Focus on What's New Last updated November 13, 2024 Pour des informations en français cliquez ici