Teacher Information

heritage Day 2025

Heritage Day Honouree: Nora Madeline Bernard

Madeline Nora Bernard (1935–2007) was a Mi’kmaq leader and advocate from Mi’kma’ki whose unwavering dedication to truth and justice changed the course of history. A survivor of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School, she became a powerful voice for residential school survivors, leading efforts that resulted in the largest class-action lawsuit in Canadian history. Nora put many miles on her well-worn moccasins, walking the path of justice for her people. Fierce in her advocacy and gentle in her leadership, she devoted her life to helping others, offering support to anyone in need. She will always be remembered as a trailblazer, a protector of her people, and for her name, Eastern Thunder, whose spirit continues to inspire generations.

Here are just some of the learning resources available to students in the province:

African Heritage Month

African Heritage Month 2025: This year’s theme, Legacy in Action: Celebrating Black Brilliance, highlights the achievements and resilience of African Nova Scotians, who have shaped the province's history for more than 400 years. These resources celebrate the brilliance of African Nova Scotians and people of African descent across Nova Scotia and Canada. Here are just some of the learning resources available to students in the province:

curriculum resources

Most resources can be used cross curriculum and have a benefit to all disciplines. Look for additional online resources in the specific course/grade level listings.

Numeracy Resources

Online Resources

Video Resources

Career Pathways

Career Pathways

  • Community-Based Learning Website Community-based learning gives students the opportunity to learn both inside the classroom and out in the community.
  • Now’s the time to try! Explore a variety of options for students to engage in skilled trades and related learning.
  • Career Education Resources and links for Career Pathways courses and programs including Options and Opportunities, Community- Based Learning, Co-operative Education, and NS High Skills Major.
  • Career Pathways Overview is a snapshot of high school courses and programs offered through Career Pathways.
Science Resources

Science Safety

Pasco Greenhouse Sensor Kits

Earth Day – It’s not a day, it’s a movement!

Earth Day is the largest global environmental movement celebrated every April 22nd! Beginning in 1970, Earth Day provides the opportunity for individuals to unite in actions to advance sustainability and climate action, bringing awareness to environmental issues and advocating for creative and innovative solutions. To find additional resources on Earth Day 2024 – The Planet Vs. Plastic, check out the following links!

Social Studies resources

Heritage Day 2024

William Hall was a trailblazer. 2024 marks the 165th anniversary of Hall being awarded the Victoria Cross, the military’s highest decoration for valour.

Gaelic Culture and Heritage: Teacher Resource Site

  • This eLearning course is designed to be a resource for teachers as they engage students in learning about Gaelic Culture and Heritage.
Health and Physical Education

Physically Activity Framework Resource 

Sexual Health

From the Ground Up

A health promotion and harm reduction curriculum resource to address youth substance use, gaming, and gambling.

Gender-Based Violence Resources


Arts Education Challenge for Credit

Artist in the Schools


Pre-Primary Resources

updated Curriculum

New Curriculum

The following courses have new or updated curriculum documents for the 2024-2025 year:

P-2 English Language Arts

Français arts langagiers

teaching resources

The following links, and resources can help teachers in all subjects and grade levels


Assessment and Instruction

These documents are intended to support teacher planning for assessment, instruction, feedback, and communication of student learning.

Assessment Policy

Student assessment and evaluation are core components of Nova Scotia’s public education system.

Professional Learning

Teaching Difficult History: A Guide for Teachers

Teaching Sensitive Subject Matter

Teaching Controversial Texts

Mass Casualty Report Recommendations:  Nova Scotia Curricula and Resources

Inclusive Education

  • Inclusive Education provides information on provincial and regional/CSAP supports for the professional learning (January 2021 sessions).

Provincial Directive on Cell Phone Use

Classroom Resources

Short and Long Term Resources

All Classroom Resources used in the classroom must be chosen intentionally.  It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure resources are free from bias.

Developmentally Appropriate Resource Selection

Small-group Instruction

Authorized List of Resources

  • Curriculum Resources: This site provides information on new resources that have been distributed to classrooms and new additions to the Authorized List of Resources that teachers may choose to order for their classes. It will be updated quarterly.

Multilingual Students

Additional Resources

Rick Hansen Foundation School Program

  • Rick Hansen Foundation School Program website supports learning about accessibility, inclusion, and active citizenship with a range of educational resources to support learning from grades primary to 12.