Welcome to the Physical Activity Framework Resource Page! Here you will find links to resources and documents to support your school as you implement the Physical Activity Framework. Please check back regularly as we continue to update the webpage with new resources.
Inclusive, Physically Active School Communities
Ensure all students and school community members are included in being physically active, moving, and reducing sedentary behaviour.
- Creating Inclusive Playground: A Playbook of Considerations and Strategies (Français)
- Nova Scotia Inclusive Education Policy (Français)
- PHE Canada We Belong: A How-to-Guide Improving access to physical activity programs for newcomer youth (Français)
- PHE Canada 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion in School-Based Physical Activity Programs (Français)
- MOVE by GoodLife Kids Program
- School-Based Physical Activity Experiences for Students of All Abilities
Engage community, students, families, and school-based teams including teaching and school leaders, in designing, implementing, and evaluating policies and programs to be physically active, move more, and reduce sedentary behaviour.
Movement During the School Day
Create opportunities for students to move more while learning indoors in all subject areas at all grade levels
- Active Smarter Kids (Français)
- Active Smarter Kids YouTube Channel
- Action Schools! BC Resource
- Kids Run Club Let’s Move (Français)
Create opportunities for students to move more while learning outdoors in all subject areas at all grade levels
- Active Smarter Kids (Français)
- Evergreen Design Ideas for the Outdoor classroom
- OPHEA Outdoor Education Toolkit (Français)
- Hike Nova Scotia Re-Connecting with Nature Workshop
- Inspiring Outdoor Learning in Nova Scotia Classrooms Webinar Series
- Outside Play Tool for Teachers
- Outdoor Math Planning Framework
- Recreation Nova Scotia Why Outdoor Play Matters for Children (Français)
Create opportunities for students to move more outside of instructional time during the school day
- National Position Paper on Recess (Français)
- Ever Active Schools Cold Weather Recess Planning
- Canadian Public Health Association Recess (Français)
- Ever Active Schools Don’t Walk in the Hallway: Video | Equipment Kit
- Nova Scotia Artists in Schools
- PERFORM! Program for Artists in the Schools
- Maritime Centre for African Dance School Workshops
- Active for Life Physical Activity Lesson Plans, Physical Literacy Lesson Plan Units, and Lesson Plan Builder for Physical Activities
- Adult Role in Outdoor Play
- Ireland Olympic Movement Breaks Active Everyday Challenge
- Active Kids Programming (i.e. movement breaks lesson plans, monthly calendars, highschool bootcamp)
- Recreation Nova Scotia Why Outdoor Play Matters
Ensure Support for Physical Education
- Nova Scotia Physical Education Curriculum (Français)
- UNESCO Quality Physical Education (Français)
- Ophea Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Physical Education (Français)
- PHE Canada Physical Education Activities (Français)
- PHE Canada Welcoming & Engaging School Physical Education Opportunities for Girls (Français)
- Paralympics FUNdamentals Resource
Movement Before and After School
Improve opportunities for students to move more through active school travel
- Drive to Five Planning Guide (Waterloo Region)
- Ecology Action Centre Walking School Bus Guide
- Ecology Action Centre IWALK- International Walk to School Month
- PHE Canada Guide to Ride (PHE Canada) (Français)
- Green Communities Canada School Travel Planning (Green Communities Canada)
- Ever Active Schools Active School Travel Guide
- Active for Life Active School Travel Toolkit
Provide opportunities for extracurricular activities and before and after school care that focus on moving more
Leadership, Collaboration, Capacity, and Accountability
Each school will be eligible for a Healthy School Grant ($5000 + $1/student) in the 2023-2024 school year. Schools are encouraged to strategically plan how to use this funding to support child and student health, including the Physical Activity Framework. Schools are also encouraged to check-in with their RCE/CSAP and School Health Promoters about additional funding that may be available to your school.
- Healthy School Grants 2023-2024 (Français)
- School Advisory Council Innovation Fund
- Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage Recreation Community Development Grant Recreation Community Development Grant
- Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage Active Communities Fund Active Communities Fund
- Community Health Board Wellness Funds Wellness Funds
- Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage Community Recreation Capital Grant
- Health Promoting Schools Framework (Nova Scotia Health)
- Health Promoting Schools Approach to Physical Activity
- Health Promoting Schools in Nova Scotia: Past, Present, and Future
- Nova Scotia Health Promoting Schools Guiding Document (Français)
- Joint Consortium for School Health Comprehensive School Health
- Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health Canadian Standards and Indicators for Health Promoting Schools
- Healthy Schools Certification (Français)
- Canadian Healthy Schools Alliance – Healthy School Standards (Français)
- Healthy School Planner Action Plan Template (Français)
- CCRCE Health Promoting Schools
Updated July 19, 2024 | Pour des informations en français cliquez ici