Food and Nutrition 8

Course Outline

Providing  learners opportunities to prepare food can influence a healthy and nutritious diet.  Learners will collaborate to prepare foods, plan meals, and make real world connections to career opportunities. Learners will have opportunities to learn about the sources and role of nutrients, and how nutrients affect health which can improve personal well being.  By giving learners the tools they need to properly analyze food and nutrition messages, they will be able to navigate the complex food environment that exists today, and make healthier choices to support physical and mental health.Understanding the causes of food insecurity will enable learners to suggest creative solutions to address this global problem. In addition, learners need to be aware of marketing practises and local food issues when shopping for food, in order to make informed consumer decisions that meet individual needs.

Grade 7 and 8 renewed curriculum has been fully implemented across the province. 

Updated August 2, 2022