English 12

Course Outline

Both English 11 and English 12 are intended for students whose goals include post-secondary study. While these courses emphasize literary texts, students should be provided opportunities to select their own texts for independent study and small-group inquiry. In designing learning experiences, teachers should consider ways that students can extend their knowledge base, thinking processes, learning strategies, self-awareness, and insights. Students should also be provided opportunities to use the curriculum outcomes framework to design their own learning experiences that they may undertake individually or with learning partners.

Learning experiences should enable students to

  • study and give detailed accounts of complex and sophisticated texts and issues
  • be perceptive and analytical in making sophisticated adult judgements
  • be critical readers of literary/digital texts
  • be critical viewers
  • express themselves precisely when writing for often complex purposes
  • be capable editors of their own and others’ writing
  • communicate confidently and effectively in the formal style and language required by some situations
  • demonstrate control of language processes

The learning environment for English 11 and English 12 must provide opportunities for students to work in a variety of grouping arrangements, including both mixed-ability and similar-ability co-operative learning groups, interest groups, and partner learning.

The curriculum guide for this course is still relevant and includes important information for teachers. Teachers are reminded to reference the At-A-Glance documents for outcomes when using course guides.

Updated January 10, 2024