Sciences 10 (Science 10)

Course Outline

Science 10 meets the requirements of a first science credit towards graduation. It is strongly recommended that all students take Science 10 prior to more specialized study in science(s) in grades 11 and 12. 

Weather Dynamics

Global climate and local weather patterns are affected by many factors and have many consequences. This unit asks students to consider questions such as, What decisions do we face due to weather conditions? How are our lives affected by changing weather conditions (short term) and changing climate (long term)? and What causes these weather patterns? Students will explore heat energy and its transfer, energy exchange within and between systems, observation of weather data, and the impact of weather forecasting.

Chemical Reactions

The study of chemical reactions provides students with an opportunity to apply their understanding of atomic structure to how chemicals react. By naming and writing common ionic and molecular compounds and by balancing a variety of equation types, students make connections to a variety of chemical examples in everyday life. 


The concept of motion allows students to investigate and develop their interest in sports that are part of their daily lives. Students investigate the principles of kinematics and apply kinematics to areas of individual interest. In the laboratory, students should collect and analyze data (individual and class) and read and interpret graphs. Students examine the relationships among observable variables that affect motion and conduct design investigations. By applying mathematical and conceptual models to qualitative and quantitative data collected, students can graphically represent motion to provide a visual representations.

Sustainability of Ecosystems

Learners will explore the concept of paradigm shift and how the views of society change over time and how these changes can lead to action. Learners will also investigate ecosystem sustainability, biodiversity, and factors that affect ecosystems including ways that humans can contribute to protecting the environment. Many outcomes can be addressed by a decision-making focus that moves students toward a more sophisticated level of global thinking and that allow them to explore the concept of sustainability and climate change.

For materials in French click here

Updated May 22, 2024